THUMARI thumari


Thyme is a therapeutic herb for respiratory system


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Thyme is a known herb which is used in cooking, especially with meat. However, thyme is a great therapeutic herb. According to the Committee E and ESCOP researches support that thyme cures inflammation of the respiratory system and the inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Furthermore, the essential oil of thyme has a strong antiseptic activity against bacteria, viruses and fungi of the skin. Thyme contributes to oral hygiene and acts against gingivitis and bad breath. You should make mouthwashes.

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The name of thyme comes from the Greek word “thymus” which it means anger.

* Cures inflammation of the respiratory system.
* Antispasmodic, valuable for coughs and asthma.

** In cooking, thyme is used to taste fish, meat (combine with hunting and sausage), tomato sauces and creamy cheeses. Also, change pleasantly the taste and aroma to soups, vegetables, salads and pasta.

** You should delicious marinades and aromatic oil for salads and your dishes.

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