Black pepper

Βlack pepper has unknown many properties


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Package : 50gr

The pepper is a flowering climbing plant, which is grown for seed. Undoubtedly, the black pepper is very famous spice because it is used in cooking as a seasoning and it gives spicy flavor. Black pepper is combined with the salt. Moreover, the black pepper is used since ancient times because it gives flavor in food. Many people used it as traditional medicine or they carried out religious ceremonies. The black pepper contains the chemical substance which called “piperine” and grows in southern India but is also cultivated in other tropical regions. The black pepper is highly commercial spice with huge production.

However, the black pepper has unknown many properties. The seeds of black pepper help stomach to digest. Consuming a small amount of black pepper, the taste buds on tongue are stimulated and they “sent a message” to brain to increase the production of hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid helps the body to digest food, reducing indigestion and discomfort. Finally, the black pepper has antibacterial, antiseptic properties and thermal action in the body.



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