
Diuretic herb.


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Couchgrass (agropyron repens) is an active, diuretic herb. The couchgrass is natural medicinal product to increase the amount of urine to achieve flushing of the urinary tract.
Additional, the couchgrass treats and improves the gallbladder stones, prostate and cystitis. The herb contains an active substance, which was named agropyrini. As a result, the couchgrass is a powerful antibiotic and emollient, therefore used with success in inflammation of the urinary tract, such as cystitis and urethritis. Still, the herb prevents from bacterial infections because it has antibacterial and antiseptic, soothing mild toxins.

Scientific name: Agropyron repens

Per Organization's system


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You should add one teaspoon of herb. You should never boil them with water but you must always leave it for 8-10 minutes in boiled water. You should consume 2 or 3 cup of tea, without sugar every day. Finally, you can add other herbs, such as moustache of corn and agrimonia.

The coughgrass treats of symptoms of urinary tract infections. Dioscorides, who was the best doctor in ancient Greece, recommended it for gallbladder stones, oliguria (urine less than 500 mL in 24 hours) and arthritis.

Generally, it is very important that you consume water and eat healthy foods. You could combine the coughgrass with moustache of corn.

If you want to treat fever, it is useful that you combine coughgrass with licorise.

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